Katie Leinenbach

Emory Economics Ph.D. Candidate

I am a fifth-year Economics Ph.D candidate at Emory University. I am on the job market this year. I am broadly interested in health and labor economics. Currently, my research agenda focuses on the effects of marijuana legislation on adults aged 50 years and older. My job market paper examines how decriminalization and recreational and medical marijuana legalization affect the health and labor market participation of this vulnerable population.

Before starting grad school, I graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Industrial Engineering and worked at The Walt Disney Company across multiple departments and locations.

"Pain in the Hash: Effect of Marijuana Legislation on Health and Labor Market Outcomes"

"Hospital Closures and Critical Access Hospital Designation" with Ian McCarthy and Mayra Pineda Torres


"Effect of Medical Marijuana Legalization on Marijuana Consumption in Older Adults" 

"Teaching Reproducibility and Replicability while Teaching Econometrics in the Classroom" with Anson T. Y. Ho, Kim P. Huynh, David T. Jacho-Chavez, and Carson H. Rea